2018 - Spring Minutes


Minutes of Spring 2018 Meeting of Medway and District Branch on 20th March 2018 at the Avenue Theatre, Sittingbourne.

Download Minutes PDF - Click Here


Apologies received from Maurice Goble and Ivan Reid.


A full list of obituaries was read out to the Meeting and two minutes silence was held to remember those that have passed. Additional obituaries since Newsletter published are:-

Former Supt2372 Peter Smith died 27/2/18 last served Tunbridge Wells

Former Sgt2659 Joyce Booty died 10th March 2018 last served Sittingbourne

Election of Committee

The Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and Committee members are all willing to continue in these rolls and as no other member has expressed an interest the status quo remains.  Still no member wishes to stand as Vice Chairman.

Minutes of Spring Meeting

The minutes of this Meeting were agreed and then signed by the Chairman and Secretary.

Chairman’s Report

The Chairman attended the Benevolent Fund AGM at FHQ and reported that the funds are in a very healthy state and a considerable profit was made on investments once again this year.  There are no rule changes to the fund.  The Chairman stated that any member was entitled to use the benevolent Fund should they need assistance and all applications will be looked at and decided upon in a positive way.

The Chairman explained that still no member had come forward to take up the position of Vice Chairman and in view of this and lack of support at Meetings by Branch members then the Branch is playing into the hands of those who wish only one Branch per Force.  A long discussion ensued  and it was suggested that we go back to only having two meetings a year instead of three and this was put off until the AGM in April 2018 when it would again be discussed and put to the vote.  The consensus being that with a website the need for 3 meetings a year was costly and unnecessary. The issue was discussed again and it was decided that two Meetings one in Spring and one in Winter are adequate. The issue was voted upon and agreed.

The Chairman again raised the topic of the Branch running trips that in the past had gained little or no support.  Members either support the Branch or at the end of the day it will cease to exist. The Chairman will look into two trips one a River Trip on the Medway with a lunch provided and the other a train trip details will be circulated when known.

The Chairman will be attending a Data Protection Update Meeting in Reading shortly for the new legislation that comes into effect shortly on this matter.  An update will be given at the next Meeting and details placed onto Branch website when known.

Matters Arising

The Chairman explained that still no member had come forward to take up the position of Vice Chairman and in view of this and lack of support at Meetings by Branch members then the Branch is playing into the hands of those who wish only one Branch per Force.  A long discussion ensued  and it was suggested that we go back to only having two meetings a year instead of three and this was put off until the AGM in March 2018 when it would again be discussed and put to the vote.  The consensus being that with a website the need for 3 meetings a year was costly and unnecessary. The issue was discussed again and it was decided that two Meetings one in Spring and one in Winter are adequate. The issue was voted upon and agreed.

Secretary and Treasurers Report

The Old Comrades Lunch will be held at FHQ on Friday 3rd August 2018 and all members that attended previously have been notified by FHQ.  As you may recall it was agreed to save time and money only those that applied to go are again selected each year and sent details. Forms must be completed and returned by Friday 22nd June 2018.

The new website is up and running and only positive feedback has been received from members. The set up fee was £100 and an annual fee to web provider is £12 per month or if paid annually £100.  It was agreed to pay this annually.  The new webmaster was discussed and it was agreed to pay her the sum of £350 per annum to cover her expenses.

The annual precept has increased 3% in line with pension pay rise and stands at £2354.10 and is paid in two instalments to NARPO HQ.

There is a Police Pensions Regulator that has been placed on the National website on the Police pension page.

The No5 Regional Meeting will be held at Federation HQ in Leatherhead on Saturday 14th April 2018.

The NARPO Conference will be held on 7th September 2018 in Torquay and again this Branch will not be sending any Delegates as it is felt the money could be better used for welfare of members.

Member Mr Keith Whitnell asked that any member interested in joining the Kent Bowls Section should contact him this item was on the Newsletter and on the Branch website

The Secretary informed the Meeting that all monies had been paid that was owed and the Branch has a healthy balance going forward to 2018.  He also informed the Meeting that under the New Rules introduced at the last Conference then the chairman has to sign of the yearly accounts in future years and this will be done shortly and accounts sent to NARPO HQ.


This was discussed with the Meeting and it was agreed that this would remain the same as last year for the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer.

There being no other business the Meeting closed at 8.45pm and the next Meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at the same venue.


Bruce Goldfarb

Branch Secretary