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Narpo Constitution and the upcoming debate regarding incorporation as a Company Limited by Guarantee

There is a storm on the horizon at Narpo HQ with much debate on the benefits or otherwise of NARPO becoming a Company Limited by Guarantee.

It seems to me that Members should be given the opportunity to see what is going on with such a fundamental issue.

There is some mention on the Narpo website, at the foot of the page under the heading Incorporation, that I am sure many members will not have noticed.

The following links will give you some information that you may need to form your own opinions as to the necessity of such a fundamental change to our organisation:-

  1. NARPO's Legal Structure a document produced by Bernard Seymour - Affinity Resolutions Ltd

  2. A document addressed to “Richard” (I will add more detail as soon as I can) from Bernard Seymour - Affinity Resolutions Ltd that appears to be in response to issues raised by a Branch Secretary.

  3. Some Emails between our Branch Secretary Bruce Goldfarb and our No 5 Regional Repesentative

I have to confess at this point I cannot see any real benefit but I don’t know how and why this discusion started and what has been said by who, that I cannot make an informed decision. There is so little information offered by the NEC. I will try to put that right and will try to give you the full story as soon as possible.

If anyone has any views or ideas they would like to share please contact your Secretary Bruce Goldfarb.

28/02/23 - Update from Bruce Goldfarb :-

I attended Meeting in Reading on this subject and at present NARPO is Unincoporated which means that we are not covered by Company law which gives many safeguards. It was pointed out that with a more and more litigious world then NARPO and Branches could be liable to claims and our insurers would seek any reason not to cover any claims made. This could in the worst case scenario end up with members losing vast amounts of money and could result in the loss of home.

If we decide to incorporate we would become a limited company meaning liability is on the company and not the individual. A couple of the larger Branches are actively discussing incorporating.

We could end up with a situation where some Branches decide to incorporate and others stay as they are. Those who decided to remain unincorporated once HQ has incorporated would mean they are no longer and integral part of NARPO and would only become affiliated members meaning they would have to take out there own public liability insurance. This issue will be discussed at Conference 2023 and if a 2/3 majority vote in favour of incorporating the issue will be costed and a Motion sent back to Conference in 2024. The cost is expected to be in the region of £25K and probably more. Each Branch will be required to incorporate individually which I believe will be arranged through HQ.

If a fairly large percentage wish to remain Unincorporated it is difficult to see what advantage it would be remaining in NARPO as simply an affiliated Branch with little of no protection. If views remain strong and remaining in the status quo then I suppose it could be argued that those Branches may decide to go it alone and start up an Unincorporated rival to NARPO. To remain unincorporated has no cost implications.

This is purely what I gained from the Meeting and much thought needs to be given before a decision is made

Bruce Goldfarb Secretary